» Termini e condizioni

Termini e condizioni

Garanzia e resi

If remote control(RC) is not working with your electronics device you may return your order provided that the RCs which you wish to return are received by us no later than 14 days from the date of your receipt. You also have 12 months guarantee. We will refund your purchase provided that the RCs was purchased on, and that the RCs is returned in the same condition it was in upon your receipt. This means the RCs must not have been damaged.

Please note that the return shipment needs to be handled and paid for by yourse. If we determine that the return is due to a mistake made by us, the delivery cost will be refunded. In this case we will pay the delivery cost to you by PayPal. Please note that we only accept prepaid returns, we do not accept returns that are cash on delivery.

Protezione PayPal/Fondy

PayPal/Fondy protegge i tuoi dati finanziari e potrà effettuare l'addebito a tuo carico per l'importo dovuto solo quando effettui un pagamento. Puoi utilizzare una Visa o Mastercard per pagare attraverso il sistema PayPal.


Dopo aver completato l'ordine dovresti scegliere il modo migliore per la spedizione dei tuoi articoli. Ti verranno mostrate diverse modalità di spedizione con tempi di consegna diversi, disponibilità di tracking e relativi prezzi. NOTA BENE! Se sceglii la spedizione senza numero di tracking, non potrai controllare dov'è il tuo pacco.

Please NOTE! If you choose delivery without tracking number(Tracking=No), we can provide information that the parcel was shipped from our warehouse, but we will not return money if the parcel was not delivered to you.